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I don't think that there is an another human being that looks at themselves as thoroughly as I do before I leave the house so you can imagine how annoyed I feel whenever I have wardrobe malfunctions. For instance, on that day, I spent the better half of my day being told (and feeling) that my skirt was riding up in the back. The "skirt" aforementioned is a tennis skirt with shorts which was my only saving grace that day. I happen to really like the style however it just doesn’t work with my curves.

Anyone else might have just counted it as a loss and might not have been as wounded as I was about it. Heres why I feel like my clothes betray me, childhood trauma. From the time that I got my period and hit a little growth spurt the world starting treating me differently. With my innocence already gone due to being molested as a child, I felt totally unprepared for what was to come.

In middle school, I have had grown men try to take me home, follow me home and literally had a guy grab me up one day as I was walking home! I had my dad's friends hit on me, my brothers friends hit on me, and so on and so forth! And this all happened under the guise of a compliment.. 

How do we define a compliment?

Oxford defines a compliment as "a polite expression of praise or admiration" 

What about sexual harassment is polite?

Its so funny how people take my nervous laugh and social awkwardness as ammo to make more comments because I'm not rude. I just dont even understand how anyone would even feel comfortable making someone else uncomfortable to that degree and unfortunately there isnt enough etiquette in the world to make someone realize how classless they become when they outwardly lust after another so plainly. 

I know that I need therapy HOWEVER it doesn't stop the predatory culture that is rearing its ugly head!

BBLs (Brazilian Butt Lifts) have taken over social media and now has even seeped into reality as every where that I turn i'm forced to look at a man made body designed to do one thing.. Garner attention through lust. Contrary to popular belief, a woman can actually be more than her body. At least, I plan to be (shrugs)

How do we get past lustful harassment, in order to build genuine connections with the opposite sex?

Well first, lets define lust.

Oxford defines lust as "Very strong sexual desire" Mhmmmm very interesting. If a compliment is based on praise and admiration and lust is simply rooted in sex.. Just how did the two become synonymous?

I was told that these encounters should be confidence boosters but I cant help but feel the opposite. Being sexually harassed no matter what I wear is exhausting and just boring at this point and I cant be the only one feeling this way. I even got hit on all nine months of my pregnancy! Like come on! 

I'm tired. Please let me live! Ugh. Is this a healthy rant? Or am I tripping?

 In my opinion, I think we did a very bad thing having sex outside of marriage because now we have programmed ourselves to be in that powerful energy 24/7. If we dont have it we are actively searching for it and even when we've gotten it.. Its still not enough. Sex was meant to be sacred and I now know why. 

We can't handle the power of that intimate union! And I dont care what anyone says.. Its the reason why people have turned to porn, rape and molestation.. The age of innocence is gone with only freaks left. Oh boy.

You think that I'm crazy? One time I wore a dress and had someone convince me that I had sex and did not know it and was pregnant again. What has the world become?

Long story short, we can go back to courtship and actual values if we want to get past the physical with one another. Repent and come out of the flesh to be led into the spirit to allow the true beauty to come out. 

This is why modesty is so important. So, you know what that means.. 

Its time to give away the skirt and anything else that garners the wrong attention. May not be able to change other people however I can change myself. 

I had to really ask myself what I felt the most comfortable in & if I had to pick it would be athletic clothing, jeans and a tshirt, flowy maxi dresses, oversized T shirts & sweatshirts. I honestly dont like showing my shape at all and when I do, im experimenting with different looks. 

I'm definitely out of my hermit shell and ready to make some changes.. You want to know something funny? Each one of these "changes" was exactly who/what I was doing in the beginning before I started experimenting with that of the world. 

God is funny like that. He will allow you to get lost then lead you right back to the beginning again. 

Its time for us to wake up. Who were you before the world changed you?

Really think about that. 


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