Webster defines the late bloomer as someone who becomes successful, attractive, etc. at a later time in life than other people.
Scientifically it’s defined as a child who goes through puberty later than their peers. It is also known as constitutional delayed puberty, and it’s the most common cause of late maturity.
So, why this topic?
A number of reasons but I guess the main one would be a question that I proposed about myself to myself.. (writers, am I right?) Do late bloomers actually exist or are there just people who were born to be set apart and or different.. allowing them to break free from and surpass the matrix?
Biologically, yes. I’m what would be constituted as a late bloomer because I promise you I didn’t get real boobs until I was 24 and then my body changed yet again at 28…introducing my child bearing hips.. Anywho, I’m the second oldest of my moms 4 children and somehow everyone always assumes that my younger siblings are older than me. So, in that aspect yes.
Psychologically, no. But, but let me explain.. I process EVERYTHING slowly. I can date someone for a year and still not really be sure about how I feel but I’m committed and taking it day by day. I’ll have hobbies for decades fully immersing myself via painting, writing, and dance. Slowly developing and studying each one masterfully for the sake of satiating my explorative curiosities and talents. I have even done this during my pregnancy with my son, it took me awhile to connect and not for any negative reasons.. simply because I began to dissect my life to reassemble it in terms of motherhood. I had to refine my identity to dive deeper into another facet of my being.
With each scenario in my life I take my time attaching myself to ideals / circumstances so that I can be fully present in what I’m called to be apart of. I understand that depth and accountability are the parallels that govern the true spirituality of a person but it does not govern the physical realms. It DOES not govern society.
I believe that a late bloomer cannot exist psychologically because it just is a classification to identify individuals that aren’t really boxed in. Time exists, yes. However there are individuals that don’t live their lives marginally within it.
Valuing your life based on how well you abide by an unspoken time table creates a life that is superficially vast but lacks meaningful impact. Everyone likes to say they are “going with the flow” however no one truly understands the ramifications of moving detached yet fully aware of & in every situation. No, this doesn’t mean that I’m a hollow shell void of human elements.. It just means that I have come to terms with living from my soul in a tangible world.
Energy, body language, indicators of interest are what plummet each individual to ascend within the realms of emotional intelligence. A currency that most believe holds no real value. But I know differently.
Our goals as human beings is not our accomplishments it is our purpose. Have I serviced another individual? Am I capable of being integral in situations that are heavy, dark, and confusing?
What are my true feelings worth to me?
What is my truth really worth to me?
As you can see, I ask and have always asked ALOT of questions and I don’t really think that that makes me philosophical. I do however believe that it keeps me present and in the moment. If I’m not careful can it rob me of precious moments? Oh, absolutely. But with everything, there has to be balance.
Can I balance my thoughts enough to remain naive and untouched by the circumstances that have tried to change me?
Or will I keep looking at myself as the problem because I’m so different. Because people have convinced themselves that delayed means deficit.. less than and abnormal? There’s a lesson in every season and I can assure you that my lesson is definitely to accept the higher calling on my life and to just stop running because my circumstances look and feel different from everyone else’s.
To live even though most people are only close enough to try to figure me out.
But God, isn’t sleeping. He can’t because he’s testing you but most importantly strengthening you through every acceleration and ascension. He’s supporting you in the image he created for your life.
Matrix or God given?
At this point, if you aren’t familiar with the trilogy or saga “The Matrix” it’s a series of movies that breaks down societal constructs in a very sci-fi way. I’ll go a step further, in layman’s and just say this. Matrix = Man-made. Simple enough?
If we keep relying on our own understanding, we will keep being lead by the falsities of our flesh and that’s always misleading. Emotions are fleeting however energy.. well energy is a powerful source used to create and move things..
Emotions = Man Made
Energy = God given
Simple enough?
Ask yourself this what measurement does have time truly have in your life?
Or even simpler, how do you measure your life?
In this life we will be placed in situations where we have an obvious choice to make..
Light or dark?
Sameness or Change?
Complacent or Peace?
Honesty or a facade?
Lies or Truth?
Damnation or Righteousness?
Fear or Hope?
Trauma or Triumph?
Appearance or Actuality?
Superficiality or Depth?
What choice will you make?
It aligns when you choose.
Be wise in pergatory but understand this that in one moment to the other we ALL face judgement.
And at the end of the day, I want you to at least be able to look at me and say no matter what she chose. It wasn’t easy but she did, so I can too.
You can.
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