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Showing posts from August, 2024


Webster defines the late bloomer as someone who becomes successful, attractive, etc. at a later time in life than other people.  Scientifically it’s defined as a child who goes through puberty later than their peers. It is also known as constitutional delayed puberty, and it’s the most common cause of late maturity.  So, why this topic?  A number of reasons but I guess the main one would be a question that I proposed about myself to myself.. (writers, am I right?)  Do late bloomers actually exist or are there just people who were born to be set apart and or different.. allowing them to break free from and surpass the matrix? Biologically, yes. I’m what would be constituted as a late bloomer because I promise you I didn’t get real boobs until I was 24 and then my body changed yet again at 28…introducing my child bearing hips.. Anywho, I’m the second oldest of my moms 4 children and somehow everyone always assumes that my younger siblings are older than me. So, in that...

“A CONVERSATION WITH LOTS WIFE: WHEN DOES GRIEF ACTUALLY BEGIN” PART TWO To Maria Eva Castro, I see you baby girl. God has beautiful things in store for you. Keep moving forward. This post is for you.

There was a time when I couldn’t be trusted with disappointment. There was a time when I couldn’t see past my pain. Anger fueled my spirit allowing me to mismanage it all. It stole from me, took everything from me.. The most important thing being time.. How many times will I look back? How many times can I replay the same situation in my head when I know that the choices that I make affect too many people?! Can you hold me down without holding me back? Can you really and truly hold me down without holding me back? Hold me but please don’t hold me down only to suffocate me! Please?! Unanswered prayers, pain and heartbreak have led too many people down traumatic paths because they keep looking back to dwell in their own turmoil. Everyday they are choosing to be bound by their own “demons” continuously allowing their unhealed pain to invite darkness into their life prone heavy hearts. No more pain escape attempts No more pain escape attempts No more pain escape attempts So, how will we st...


Back in 2016, I conducted research by asking my co-workers, friends and family what they thought a relationship was. To my surprise most people were stumped by the question and legitimately could not answer with a response that made sense for themselves. Perplexed, I asked more questions and when they still weren't sure they began to get defensive. For those that could articulate their answers - their rebuttals were typical as they solely defined a relationship as a union between two people who love each other.  Neither underwhelmed or overwhelmed I began to dig deeper. How could we spend most of our lives in relationships and not be able to define them? Yes, you read the title correctly. This excerpt is about dating however I feel like its pressing to properly discuss what a union is before we delve into what the chronological differences are and the direct impact that they may have on our lives.  Webster defines a relationship as; the state of being related or interrelated, ...