Webster defines the late bloomer as someone who becomes successful, attractive, etc. at a later time in life than other people. Scientifically it’s defined as a child who goes through puberty later than their peers. It is also known as constitutional delayed puberty, and it’s the most common cause of late maturity. So, why this topic? A number of reasons but I guess the main one would be a question that I proposed about myself to myself.. (writers, am I right?) Do late bloomers actually exist or are there just people who were born to be set apart and or different.. allowing them to break free from and surpass the matrix? Biologically, yes. I’m what would be constituted as a late bloomer because I promise you I didn’t get real boobs until I was 24 and then my body changed yet again at 28…introducing my child bearing hips.. Anywho, I’m the second oldest of my moms 4 children and somehow everyone always assumes that my younger siblings are older than me. So, in that...