First and foremost, I would like to dedicate this post to my darling Vikki. You have become such a symbol of deep empathy for me.. All while you exemplifying this illustrious softness.. one that I strive towards daily. Your hugs fill the voids when I don’t have the words. One look from you clears the clouds in my auric field and allowing me to see clearly again. You are so gifted spiritually and deserve every bit of recognition as you continue on in our journey.
I guess its easier to feel defeated in a society that is centered solely on how we view ourselves. Back then, most people dealt with their insecurities and traumas by ignoring them however today, many individuals choose to display their defeated attitudes via over sensitivity and entitlement. Everyone is in therapy with the status quo being “Woe is me”. What was the paradigm shift that occurred to successfully move society move from extreme to more extreme? And how can this be used to benefit us?
Well, you can’t answer the question if you aren’t able to identify or define the term. So, below are a few examples of what a self defeated mentality might look like for you.
- You are negative about everything, it doesn't matter what it is or however you rationalize it in your mind. It's all bad and you can't seem to be able to make good of anything no matter how hard you try.
- In every scenario you are the "victim" choosing to discuss only the negative aspects of your life and every moment someone did you wrong. (woe is me)
- You feel guilty for your happy moments because you just know that they wont last (waiting for the other shoe to drop)
- You become jealous of the accomplishments of other people
- You belittle and degrade others when they make strides to motivate or encourage you
- Your personal hygiene may suffer because you don't see the point in looking or smelling good for anyone even if that person is you.
- You avoid your feelings by abusing legal or illegal substances
- You are afraid of being alone so you almost always surround yourself with other people
- You suffer from brain fog (you have a distinct inability to think or feel anything with clarity)
- You suffer from anxiety, depression or panic
- You give up before you even try in every scenario
- You mindlessly compare your life to everyone that you meet
- You hide who you are by wearing masks never really allowing others to get close to you
- You have unusual sleeping habits (you either sleep a lot or have insomnia)
- You can't figure out what it is you are good at in life
Your energy and faith is what attracts your desires to you. When you consistently display a life of defeat; you are telling yourself and every person/opportunity that you are not worthy, that you are not deserving of any accomplishments that reflect a different and higher energy. A defeated mentality keeps you stuck in a vibration (feeling) that never allows you to see the bigger picture and never allows you to be engulfed in the light and as a result you start attracting like-minded people to you that only furthers and deepens your association to defeat and darkness.
A defeated mentality can not healthily comprehend concepts like the divine, creativity, health, success or love etc. because the mind is not attuned to the benefits of anything (due to a negative self image) - let alone empowering notions that can elevate your life. Self defeating thoughts lead to cyclical judgment of self as your mental health begins to become more critical and sometimes dangerous. The constant worrying can cause you to create a paranoia that supports the current anxiety and depression that you have developed over time.
This affects how you act and how you show up in the world. Over time it will affect the way that others communicate and respond to you. People won't always know what to do or how to help someone that isn't committed to helping themselves first and to be honest you cant rely on any person to help you anyway because only the spirit can. Your career might also lack because you may not be motivated enough to take the necessary steps toward advancement or you might just settle for a low-vibrational career that doesn't allow for your fullest potential and spiritual capacity. These are all major setbacks that will continue to arise until you decide to make some honest and earnest changes in your life.
The most prominent setback here is not being able to grow in spirit. Imagine a life where it feels like the same day over and over again and instead of doing something differently you just merely point out the same nuances day in and day out. Does that sound fulfilling or liberating to you? If you replied no, you are on the right track. If you replied yes, I admire your candor however I am still proud of you for reading this excerpt up until this point because it means that you have the capacity to change and will eventually change for the better. Contrary to popular belief, you don't just read or watch something inspiring and transform over night. The unlearning process is rigorous and commands your full dedication and attention with every thought, task, and new happening that occurs in your life. You have to be able to identify your trauma and triggers in everything that you experience so that you can face it enough to truly let it go. How can you grow when you have subconsciously and consciously decided to remain mentally anguished and stagnant?
- Write down the things that you feel defeated by then read them aloud afterwards think of the best case scenario for each mental defeat. Repeat this a couple of times to develop some sort of internal conversation with yourself. This technique will help you to expand your mind in light so that you can see that there is more to life than just the negative possibilities you have repeated in your mind and although you may not feel the benefit of this technique over night you will over time. In time, your mind will become more open and focused on the positivity that is developing within yourself. You will no longer be distracted by anything outside of yourself and as your mind begins to quiet down you will begin to hear your true purpose. Mind Expansion is imperative in completely releasing your defeated mentality.
- Find positive ways to distract yourself. You have already been committed to the unhealthy ways now find a way that'll uplift you and encourage your optimal focus. For those of you who may not have any hobbies here are a couple of suggestions; buy an adult coloring book because art is one of the most therapeutic ways to relieve stress, buy and begin journaling your daily thoughts/to do lists/or plans for the day month or year and lastly consider learning photography formally or informally. A polaroid camera is an inexpensive way to capture the nature or people around you. I personally like photography as it was language before we had words and because it commands the hyper focus of the person behind the camera.
- Dedicate your mental transformation to someone in your life, now this may sound silly however if you have someone to live happily for.. Chances are you may become more motivated because now you have someone to hold you accountable but more importantly you have someone to make proud. As humans, we thrive off our accomplishments and the acknowledgements of the people that are the closest to us and while we don't need it, it's just nice to know that there are people around that are as excited about our life decisions. Envision that one person that wants your mental to change more than you do then commit to a life steadfast decisions that will enrich your life and possibly theirs.
- Believe it or not, it can teach you that you are destined for great purpose.
- It’s usually an indicator that you are under stimulated and may need more challenging day to day activities to better satiate your mind.
- Lastly, your manifested this demeanor as a defense mechanism that manifested as a way for you to cope with stress, pressure, etc.
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