"A bird in a cage is safe but God didn't create birds for that"- Paulo Coelho . This quote has spoken volumes to me because think about it.. A bird whether they are displaying instinctual or learned behaviors does not worry about where they will sleep or how they will get food and yet they thrive so effortlessly. They rely on nature to provide the necessary materials so that they can build their nests in high places and when its time to migrate they get their directional information from the sun, the stars, and by sensing the earths magnetic field and for a small percentage of birds, they rely on their smell. In harsh climates the birds are prepared because they grow extra feathers so that they won't freeze to death. Now, imagine taking this bird to clip it's wings and put it in a cage.. Instead of leaves and twigs, it has a metal swing. Instead of a fusion of fruit, mealworms, insects etc. they are now subjected to only birdseed.. Instead of migrating during th...